Rogue Blast

You were exploring the forest until you’ve stumbled upon the body of your dead ally. Your goal is to avenge your friend.

2 months


  • Created system for picking up weapons and cycling through them
  • Implemented enemy AI behavior (follow (NavMesh), look, fire)
  • Implemented a script to change post-processing effects during run-time
  • Implemented a script for aiming down weapon sight

Layout and White-box

In-engine Development

Production Review

Original map
Original map

The white-box had to change because I wasn’t satisfied with the story attached to the map. So, I used the S-curved map. The newer map was easier and faster to render than the first map, which had too high of a poly count. Moving forward with the new map, I did not have to rely on invisible wall barriers. I was able to create natural barriers to prevent the player from going outside the map.

My biggest challenge with this project was figuring out the many different ways to improve gameplay performance. I experimented with lighting, rendering types, occlusion culling, etc., but it still runs poorly on low-end PCs. Hopefully I have more opportunities to experiment with graphics for future games!

Tony Nguyen
Tony Nguyen
Technical Game Designer

Tenacious game developer with an unwavering passion for overcoming game development challenges.